Career Profile

I started my career as a software engineer developing python APIs. Our small team had the need to deploy our application publicly on the cloud. That's when I got into the DevOps/CloudOps space.

Today my main areas of expertise are in AWS and Kubernetes. I help manage dozens of environment's built on these technologies. We use ansible for deployments and Terraform for environment provisioning.

Because of my background in software development, I am also proficient in Python and Docker.


Principal DevOps Engineer

April 2019 - Present
AutoGrid Systems, Remote
  • Maintained dozens of complex production and development environments built on/managed by EC2, EKS, Rancher, Terraform, and Ansible
  • Implemented and rolled out globally distributed identity provider RedHat FreeIPA to facilitate centralized user management and RBAC
  • Migrated VPN authentication scheme from local user database to LDAP
  • Used Rancher to introduce RBAC into Kubernetes API access.
  • Introduced elasticsearch/kibana and fluentd stack(EK) to stream logs from Kubernetes clusters
  • Created custom EFS provisioner for Kubernetes to allow for simplified persistent volume creation and management.
  • Environment upgrades - rebuilt legacy environments under terraform code while keeping data and networking connections in tact to avoid customer disruption
  • Significantly reduced AWS spend by identifying unused resources, creating reports/alerts when non-standard resources are created

Senior CloudOps Engineer

April 2017 - April 2019
EverOps LLC, Remote
  • Managed production resources for multiple clients of vastly different sizes and technology stacks
  • Developed client agnostic task scheduler to run docker images on a scheduled interval
  • Worked with database administrators to automate backup monitoring database optimization
  • Automated and normalized the process of creating new single-tenant environments by writing a Terraform module
  • Created new JIRA workflow to streamline the lifecycle of a particular ticket type
  • Lead projects for multiple clients to reduce overall AWS spend by finding wastage and identifying unused S3 buckets
  • Migrated openswan IPSEC tunnels to AWS VPC peering connections for redundancy and easier maintainability

Software/DevOps Freelancer

September 2017 - Ongoing
  • Wrote a python script to import large amounts of CSV data(~5 million rows) into an oracle database quickly. Source code
  • Built Django web application that displays information about all AWS resources within a VPC
  • Created ECS cluster on AWS via Terraform and installed Jupyterhub services
  • Built and managed a Kubernetes cluster on GCP via Terraform and installed Airflow services
  • Provided one-on-one private instruction on webservice development, configuration managment, and various other operational technologies
  • Developed python script to generate AWS RedShift queries, helping automate data ingestion from S3

Software/DevOps Engineer

July 2015 – April 2017
Knuedge Inc., San Diego, CA
  • Migrate application deployment and development to Docker containers to simplify and accelerate application deployment
  • Create and maintain AWS cloud infrastructure in Docker containers using Terraform
  • Responsible for continuous server availability and data integrity
  • Setup continuous integration development workflows involving testing, releasing, and deploying
  • Develop Python HTTP API to support voice authentication solutions
  • Work on a NodeJS server that uses our voice API to provide secure authentication into a 3rd party app
  • Reduce storage requirements by adding compression to the storage engine
  • Improve application security by encrypting communication channels for queuing system and other external connections
  • Maintain public github repositories for SDKs and CLIs that utilize our voice API

Software Developer

June 2014 - August 2014
Jethead Development Inc. Carlsbad, CA
  • Developed and debugged C++ middle-ware for Set-top box integration
  • Fixed issues with low level graphics engine that allowed us to pass RVU2 protocol specification
  • Facilitated the development of software among our team using the Git version control system
  • Trained new employees to prepare them for code development.
  • Participated in daily SCRUM meetings with both developers and managers

Skills & Proficiency







Docker Compose



CDH Managment(Hadoop Hbase and HDFS)
